Monday, 30 May 2016

Presentation our subject "studying environment"

In the second year of high school we can choose an optinal subject called studying environment. We all chose it when we were in the second year but unfortunately last year there were just a few people that chose it so it couldn't be executed. So we decided to stay eco ninjas for one year more and take care of the environment in our free lessons. However next year we won't be able to do that because we are going to be in the last year of high school. So we decided to presented environmental studies to the first year students in order to inspire them to choose that subject next year so we will have new eco ninjas who will take care of our school so it will stay green. We presented them the avtivities we do to help the nature and to make other people aware of the issues that are connected with the environment.

Presentation in primary scool

We decided to go to the primary school and present students activities we do to safe the environment. We showed them educational movies that we recorded through the year. We tried to inspire them to be greener. We explained them how to sort litter, how to spare water and save electricity. We believe that because of our presentation many of the students will become greener.

Thursday, 19 May 2016


One of our volunteers for TAC Tac activity was my seventeen years old boyfriend Luka. He has been training football for nine years. He has 5 trainings per week but the problem is that in winter they have 5 weeks free of trainings. Howeever he decided to do some excercises throughout this period of time. 

Together we made a timetable filled with excercises for two months. Mostly we focused on excercises for strength. Everyday he does 5 different excercises: crunches, planks, squats and pushups. After four days he has one day free. Here are our goals:

Tuesday, 17 May 2016

Очередной Поход удался!/ New hike to study orienteering, using natural tools to survive in wild nature!

On 15th May we went hiking again!

This time our purpose was to study use natural tools to survive in nature, how to orienteere in the forest  and be careful with nature while having rest or just walking.

Всем привет! Специально для вас отчёт о походе где мы:

   Показали пример активного и позитивного отдыха с пользой и без "допинга"
   Научились делать чай из хвои.
   Приблизились к природе впритык! Почувствовали её дыхание и силу!
   Закрепили навыки:                (а кто-то и познакомился) использования компаса.
   Закрепили навыки:               (а кто-то и познакомился) Рубки дерева ножом
   Научились пользоваться топором.
   Научились разжигать костёр без бумаги. (читай дальше!)

Sunday, 15 May 2016

Участвуем в спортивных городских инициативах! Participating in new good Sillamäe sport events: Vika, Edu and Liza!

Пока часть наших участников ушла в интересный поход, другая часть не бросает активный образ жизни и принимает участие в новом спортивном соревновании 2016 года-Силламяэский лестничный забег!

Молодцы ребята, так держать!!!

мы-за здоровый образ жизни!

While part of our participants went hiking, others are taking part in new sport event of our town and run 3 km!

Super! Well done, Vika, edu and Liza!

Wednesday, 11 May 2016

Субботник в субботу, сделаем речку чище!/ Cleaning our town! Making our nature and town better!

On the May 7 th we went with our team and some new youngsters to clean our town and place near to our youth center and to our local river!
When you start cleaning in small town with youngsters, some of them feel little bit shame. the main purpose was to let them understand- to clean is not a shame a shame is to live in dirty place!
Well done!
Итак, 7го мая, в субботу, мы с ребятами не прошли мимо всеобщего дела, и тоже отправились на уборку городских и окрестных земель. Целью был выбран участок речки, расположенный недалеко от домов, моста и людей в целом. В 10 утра, наша бравая бригада вооружилась перчатками, мешками и твёрдым намерением и вышла на тропу борьбы с неорганическим мусором. Читайте продолжение...

Sunday, 8 May 2016

TAC-TAC: Maya is "going green"!

So there is one more follower of our green activities! Maya decided to eat a healthy dinner in order to get better sleep at night and to not gain weight. /Who wants a heavy stomach?/ She's been doing this all month and still continuing:

Green Lifestyle

Green Lifestyle: Loving the nature

Our two friends Konstantin and Kristian talked about what is the definition of green lifestyle and showed some ways how to improve our relationship with the environment and live green. They actually encouraged some people to change their habits and become better.

Meeting in Slovenia!

To start with, we had such a great time in Slovenia! We had been looking forward to this trip and we loved every moment of it.

We carried out a short meeting for the first evening. Then we had a fine dinner and went to our convenient rooms.

The next day we talked about presentation and learnt about talking in front of public.


We visited Ljutomer and the school of our Slovenian friends, too.


Some of us had an interview...

... and others were chillin'


We had an amazing walk! 


Who's that cool dude I see in the river?

HEY! Where is my other PONY?!



And the final evening... It was really exciting :)

The Bulgarian food!

 Some fine pictures from the way back to Bulgaria: