Monday, 29 February 2016

TAC – TAC (Jerneja from Slovenia)

Hi, my name is Jerneja and I decided to join TAC – TAC activities because I needed a kick to engage in sports activities. Besides participating in TAC – TAC I also help Slovene youngsters to coordinate this project.
My plan was to start running, few times a week and every time a bit more. I started to run in the end of September, so the outer excuses why not to run apeared very soon – rain and cold weather. And as soon as I didn't excercise regularly, it was difficult to follow the plan and I realised there is no progress in my running condition. At that time I saw TV broadcast with scientists showing the results in better health of a person doing very short (20 seconds) but very intense (with as much power as possible) intervals of excercise on an indoor bicycle. So, I've decided to switch from running to those excercises, and it turned out great! Now I take care of my health by excercising only about 5 minutes a day (3 times a week), so becoming a healthier person doesn't take a lot of my time and it's therefore much easier to follow the plan. In addition to that, I decided to write down how much water I drink every day, so I make sure to get enough water every day.

Friday, 26 February 2016

Экология в школы! (Третья Тема)/ Ecology of the young spirit to schools 3!

This time our game was about topic "Saving our resources"!

Schoolchildren liked it and asked lots of questions, were active!

И завершающее эту серию мероприятий для школьников, носящую характер неформальной игры, с донесением важной информации об экологических проблемах планеты, стала тема об "Экономии Ресурсов "

Фото и видео здесь!

Экология в Школы! (вторая тема)/ ecology of the young spirit to schools 2!

Tooday we visited again school and organized second non-formal game about usage of wasted food and packs. How to sort garbage and why?

Следующее наше мероприятие для школьников снова носило характер неформальной игры, с донесением важной информации об экологических проблемах планеты. Как уже говорилось, мы провели три мероприятия, второе из которых было по теме: "Опасность Упаковки "

Само Собой Фото и видео ниже!

Thursday, 25 February 2016

Экология в школы!/ Ecology of the young spirit to the schools!

Today we organized our new activity for schoolchildren about our planet resources, how to use them and which problems are connecteted to this topic. It was run as a unformal game.
Schoolchildren enjoyed it and or team also!

Наше очередное мероприятие для школьников носило характер неформальной игры с донесением важной информации об экологических проблемах планеты. Мы провели три мероприятия, первым из которых было по теме "Ограниченности Природных Ресурсов".

Как всё прошло - можно посмотреть на видео и фотографиях:)

Saturday, 20 February 2016

Поездка в музей природы РМК/ The small expedition of our intiative group to the Nature Museum in Tallinn.

Our initiative group is preparing new events for schoolchildren according our topic of this month:  „Making consumption reasonable  “ and „Ecological education: making our living place better  “. That' s why it was important to get more information about those topics from specialists.

Now we are ready to prepare interesting and useful activities for youngsters!

В этот замечательный солнечный и слегка морозный денёк мы с активистами и участниками проекта Экология Молодой Души (Ecology of The Young Spirit) отправились в Таллинн, в музей природы, леса и экологии. Там для нас провели замечательную видео лекцию с комментариями о диких животных, обитающих в нашей стране, показали, наглядно,

Sunday, 14 February 2016

An action called: bring a cup for you own school lunch!

We prepared an action called: Prinesi šalico za svojo malico (bring a cup for you own school lunch). Through school bell, school televisions and social networks, we informed teachers and students that we would gather ceramic cups. We were quite surprised of an enormous amout of cups that were brought by students and teachers. We didn't expect so many people would participate in that action. We gathered around 100 new cups and reduced the number of plastic cups being used for drinking and we also created more comfortable and cosy atmosphere. We decided to do this because unfortunately there is too much plastic around us in our everday life, which is harmful to the environment and society. That is why it is necessary to try to replace it with materials that are friendly to the environment and humans, which is exactly what we did. Now are school lunch is much healthier and greener.

Tuesday, 9 February 2016

Young spirit of young families!

On 23 January our team organized big event, which was final event of January and the topic of this month „Healthy lifestyle: attitudes about individual health responsibility and care accountability  “!

It was super day for young families and youngsters, because we went skiing and snowtubing to Pannjärve!
For some participants it was forst time skiing!
In the morning it was really freezing -21 C and we were afraid nobody joins us! But no!
We had more then 50 participants: children with parents, active youngsters!  It was really great to see results of our activities before, because some of particioants were those people, who took part in our project activities before and learnt something new about healthy lifestyle and being active!
So we started with funny energiser -Flamingos and pinguins! Despite of the cold weather everyone spent this day very actively and was satisfied! During lunch time our team presented our project to others and invited to take part in next activities! Have a look at the photos, how nice and active  time we had this day!

23-го января наша проектная команда организовала активный семейный день в Панньярве! Несмотря на мороз в -21 градус, в мероприятии приняло участие более 50! человек! Среди участников были как молодые семьи с детьми, подростки, молодёжь, так и активные взрослые!
Для кого-то это был первый раз на лыжах! 
мы начали мероприятие со смешного энерджайзера- Фламинго и пиннвины, а продолжили катанием на лыжах и  снежных ватрушках. Во время обеденной паузы ребята представили наш проект и дальнейшие планы!
день прошёл на ура и многие готовы дальше принимать активное участие в нашем проекте!
Почувствуй атмосферу этого дня, разглядывая наши фото: