Tuesday, 9 February 2016

Young spirit of young families!

On 23 January our team organized big event, which was final event of January and the topic of this month „Healthy lifestyle: attitudes about individual health responsibility and care accountability  “!

It was super day for young families and youngsters, because we went skiing and snowtubing to Pannjärve!
For some participants it was forst time skiing!
In the morning it was really freezing -21 C and we were afraid nobody joins us! But no!
We had more then 50 participants: children with parents, active youngsters!  It was really great to see results of our activities before, because some of particioants were those people, who took part in our project activities before and learnt something new about healthy lifestyle and being active!
So we started with funny energiser -Flamingos and pinguins! Despite of the cold weather everyone spent this day very actively and was satisfied! During lunch time our team presented our project to others and invited to take part in next activities! Have a look at the photos, how nice and active  time we had this day!

23-го января наша проектная команда организовала активный семейный день в Панньярве! Несмотря на мороз в -21 градус, в мероприятии приняло участие более 50! человек! Среди участников были как молодые семьи с детьми, подростки, молодёжь, так и активные взрослые!
Для кого-то это был первый раз на лыжах! 
мы начали мероприятие со смешного энерджайзера- Фламинго и пиннвины, а продолжили катанием на лыжах и  снежных ватрушках. Во время обеденной паузы ребята представили наш проект и дальнейшие планы!
день прошёл на ура и многие готовы дальше принимать активное участие в нашем проекте!
Почувствуй атмосферу этого дня, разглядывая наши фото:


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