V športni dvorani, ki
se nahaja v bližini naše šole smo organizirali športno popoldne za dijake,
njihove starše in profesorje. Glaven namen je bil druženje, spoznavanje in
vključevanje različnih generacij v različne športne aktivnosti. Pobudo za organizacijo
smo prevzeli: Sara, Melani, Katja, Jakob in Kaja. Udeleženci so lahko izbirali
med različnimi športi: aerobika, odbojka, ples, nogomet. Z mentorico smo
poskrbeli za obveščenost in za vso organizacijo. Tudi sami smo se udeležili
dogodka in s tem spodbujali ostale prisotne k športnim dejavnostim.
Športno popoldne je
bilo zelo uspešno. Udeležba je bila nad našimi pričakovanji. Poleg tega, da smo
ljudi ozaveščali kako pomembna je športna aktivnost, smo tudi stkali nova
In athletics hall, near our school we organised
sports afternoon for students, their parents and teachers. Our goal was
socialising, meeting and intergration of different generations in sports
activities. We (Sara, Melani, Katja, Jakob and Kaja) took the main offer for
organisation. The participants chose between different sports: aerobics, volleyball,
dancing and football. With our teacher, we took care for information and for
all organisation. We also took part in that event and we encouraged other
participants to continue with sports activities.
This sports afternoon was very successful. The
turnout was higher than our expectations. Beside of that we made aware how important is sport
activity, we also made new friends.
Yours Slovenian team ;)
Super! So glad to see, that our project is running in Slovenia also :) Wish you good luck and see your group in Estonia in June!!!! Greetings from Sillamäe